How Ayahuasca Heals and Transforms People’s Lives


The sacred Amazonian plant medicine, Ayahuasca, is becoming more well known globally as we enter into the 21st Century.  Over the last two decades, more and more people have been seeking out this extraordinary plant medicine for its healing abilities.  Western medical and psychological approaches to healing have often not been sufficient for people to feel truly better in their body, mind and spirit.  Participating in Ayahuasca ceremonies requires a great amount of courage and trust. Being certain one is partaking in a proper set and setting, that is upheld with integrity and sacredness, will make all the difference in someone’s experience with Ayahuasca.

Here you may watch a video of several guests from the Nimea Kaya Retreat Center in the Peruvian Amazon share how Ayahuasca has impacted their lives.



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